Bring Hope To Low-income Children

We are a 501(c) Non-for-Profit Organization working with the Nicaraguan community to invest in health, food security, and education as a tool to improve children’s lives and reduce poverty.

Disease & Hunger Don't Take Weekends Off Nor They Go On Vacations - Neither Do We​

ASSISTING NICARAGUAN SOCIETY -The Children’s Fund is a multi-ethnic, non-secular, non-political, equal rights and opportunity communal program. Geographically ANS-TCF has an initial coverage area of the towns of Veracruz, Piedra Menuda, La Cementera and surrounding agricultural areas. Located in the Municipality of Nindiri, Department of Masaya. Working at a community and family level is a mantra for us. We view numbers only as people and names, not as a way to count our activities or for reporting purposes. We provide continuous follow-up on our families and try to integrate ourselves into their social patterns, to be able to assess real needs, understand consequences, and provide immediate solutions.

Our Helping Programs

The focus of ANS-TCF is to provide assistance to promote the need for education. We achieve this by entering into partnerships with the family members and working in reducing school abandonment.

How We Help The Community

Promote the Right to Education for All

Children should be encouraged to go to school to the highest extent possible. Our members, 96% of which are college graduates, consider that education is one of the most important facets of the well-being of their families and themselves.

Healthy and well-nurtured children are a must if they are to benefit from education. That is why ANS-TCF also focuses on health and child nutrition as an integral part of education.

ANS-TCF also provides a lifeline to the elderly, as we consider that many are in their second childhood and require an extra hand to live out their lives in a healthy and fulfilling manner.

How We Work

Directly With The People

Unlike other organizations that work using a staircase methodology, Main Office-Country Office Programs, we live, plan and act right where the person we have chosen to work with lives. 

This allows us to be extremely efficient in the use of our members’ funds as we don’t have to shoulder a top-heavy bureaucracy. 

Instead we use your funds where they are needed; directly in the communities.

We Are A Family​

We started small and that allows for a fluid and continuous relation with the members. 

We feel that if we lose that sense of family, we can become just another organization that seemingly considers that their main goals are to create fund drives, sending form letters while talking numbers and not people. We don’t want to de-humanize the support and assistance to other humans.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us to know more. Get in touch with us and let us know your comments, questions, or suggestions.


Contribute to the health and education of children and families who would otherwise stay chained to an endless a cycle of poverty.